Lea Valley u3a


Interest Groups online

Interest Groups Online (abbreviated as IGO) is an online u3a community that gives you the opportunity to join groups, talks and courses from the comfort of your home.

Like with a u3a, the activities are run by members and are a great way to meet people from all across the u3a movement

Why not pay it a visit? Click on this link:-

Interest Groups online

If you know anyone who might benefit, please pass the information on.

An Exploring London Group outing

Walk around the Royal Parks.

Hoddesdon Heritage Weekend

Good Friday Nature Walk
Hertford Heath

Dear Members,
Our National Office, the Third Age Trust ("TAT") issues monthly online newsletters full of great ideas on how to stay connected and involved. The TAT has asked committees to encourage members to sign up for the newsletter, which can be accessed from the link below:

Either click on the link (or type the website name into your address bar) and then scroll down to the foot of the main page. Under the heading Quick Links there is a heading "Newsletter Signup". Click on this and you are taken to a page where you can input your details and receive the newsletter.

I hope you find this helpful.
Glynis Evans, Chair



Committee members and volunteers had a busy couple of days at the end of April, manning a publicity stand in a prime spot just inside Morrisons’ store in Hoddesdon, and the Love Hoddesdon Midsummer Festival in June (see below).

We will be repeating our efforts at other venues in the borough during the year, including Tescos at Brookfield 

Love Hoddesdon Gala Day - 23rd June
The sun certainly shone on Sunday 23rd June for the Gala Day of  the Love Hoddesdon Midsummer Festival. Our volunteers did a  great job handing out publicity leaflets and promoting the Lea Valley u3a to members of the public.

Many we spoke to were keen to hear what we’re all about and there was plenty of interest shown. Hopefully, we will see some of these faces again at our Spotlight meeting on July 8th and beyond!

A big thank you to all those who helped out on the day and to Lee for her outstanding work in producing all our publicity material.



Our monthly Newsletter has been produced as a downloadable (pdf) file, which should be compatible with any computer. It contains the "Chair Corner" message, details on some forthcoming events and other information about Groups etc.

To view the latest editions please "click" on the link:- 


Please note that contact details (phone numbers, e-mail addresses etc) for Group Leaders and Committee Members are not shown in this on-line version, as it is open to anyone with access to the internet, and we wish to protect this information.

Therefore members need to refer either to the version emailed to you, or the paper versions available at main meetings, as those versions do contain the personal contact information.

Alternatively anyone (members and non-members) can use the club's email system to make contact with us - please refer to the top of the left hand margin of this page, and go to the 'CONTACTS' page, and the email address is in the margin.


         LVu3a AGM - 14th October 

This year’s AGM will be held on Monday 14th October and it’s not too early for you to put in your nomination for a committee post. We are looking to fill several posts. Please click on the link for more information. Please consider supporting your u3a as a committee member.



We are delighted to say that plans are well underway to restore catering in the bar and café area at the Spotlight, so our members can once more
have lunch there before our main meetings.

Until this is finally resolved, I am glad to say that pizza (whole or by the slice) will be available, as well as a selection of sandwiches.


         LVu3a’s 19th FUN QUIZ – Mon 4th Nov 2024 1:30pm      

Our next quiz will take place on 4th November, at our usual venue (St Augustine’s Parish Centre, Broxbourne), so save the date!

Tickets will go on sale from our July main meeting. As before the ticket price will be £2 for LVU3A members and £2.50 for non-members, including tea and cake.

In order that we can set out the hall for the attendees and cater appropriately, tickets must be purchased (or reserved) in advance; they will not be available on the door.



A first for the LVu3a when, on June 7th , we invited some of the animals from the mini zoo at Cedars Park Nature Centre to our Interest Afternoon. Along with their keeper, Ranger Stuart, we enjoyed a most informative and interesting afternoon finding out about the lives of these creatures.  We met seven of the residents of the Nature Centre, including a bearded dragon, a tenrec, a python and a tarantula! Stuart was extremely knowledgeable and answered the many questions we had for him. 

It’s not every day a u3a member can hold a tarantula, but fearless Stan Benton did just that! If you were unable to attend, you can meet these animals and many others at Cedars Park in Cheshunt www.cedarsnaturecentre.co.uk

Great for young grandchildren!



On 11th July Exploring London 6 enjoyed a wonderful afternoon amongst a glorious sea of purple in the Lavender fields at Cadwell Farm near Hitchin.  Our tour guide, Ben, described the different varieties of lavender growing in the 34 acres at the farm. How it is cultivated and harvested was explained to us as well as the history of Cadwell Farm and how the owners re-launched the lavender industry in Hitchin around 25 years.  We were given scissors and a paper bag to pick our own lavender to take home!

Following lunch in the Barn Café, we could then further explore at our leisure.



Sherrie McDaid the Mayor of Broxbourne stopped to chat with Glynis, Tim and Lesley at the LVu3a publicity table at  St Augustine Church’s Summer Fair on Saturday 13th July. 
She showed a keen interest in what we had to say about our u3a and was impressed with all the information displayed on our publicity boards.



Our Interest Afternoon with Alison White gave us an insight into her love of creative textiles over several decades and how it has become her business today. You can see samples of her work at www.sheepythings.com  



There are always plenty of interesting online learning events free to join to be found at:

Here are just a few:
- Mindfulness and Meditation
- Taking revenge: Artemisia Gentileschi’s Quest for Justice
- Help Us Remember with the War Memorials Register
- Laughter Yoga with Judith
- Vaccines
- London 2012 – A Games Maker’s Story
- Expert tips and Essential Apps for Effortless Online Living
- Secrets of the Human Brain: Talk Six: Your Spinal Cord
- Celestial marvels: Demystifying the Cosmos
- Darkness on the Edge of Town: Bruce Springsteen and the American dream


We are delighted to announce a new range of services to those who sign-up to receive the u3a Friends newsletter.

u3a Friends Extra is a benefits website developed exclusively for members of the u3a Friends newsletter community. The website provides access to a wide range of offers, discounts and additional services. Friends Extra is completely free to access. Anyone signed up to the u3a Friends newsletter can now also make savings on well-known brands, shopping, travel, days out and more. Offers and services on Friends Extra include:
✓ Health and wellbeing 
✓ Shopping savings on major brands and retail discounts 
✓ Travel and holidays
✓ Leisure offers, like family days out, trips to the cinema and theatre
✓ Insurance offers on car, travel and medical insurance 
✓ Access to financial advice and a legal helpline.

It also currently offers a 25% off the price of English Hertitage membership:-

"Looking for a fun day out with family and friends? Members of u3a Friends Extra can enjoy 25% off* annual membership at English Heritage - giving you unlimited access to England’s most stunning historical places, including Rievaulx Abbey in Yorkshire (pictured.) This offer is exclusively for members of u3a Friends Extra - join the scheme now at www.u3a.org.uk

*Terms and conditions apply. Offers not in conjunction with any other offer.  Only valid on new memberships paying by Annual Direct Debit. Accompanying children must be under 18 and within the family group. Offers subject to change without notice.  u3a Friends Extra is managed and run on behalf of u3a by Parliament Hill Ltd."

To become a ‘Friend’, simply sign up to receive the Friends Newsletter on the u3a website via the link below.

Each issue of the Friends Newsletter will include a link to the Friends Extra benefits website and highlight one of the offers. This is just one element of the u3a Friends newsletter, which brings together stories from local u3a groups, learning opportunities and news of upcoming events to highlight the fun and learning within the u3a community.

u3a Friends Newsletter shares news from u3as, national learning opportunities and access to u3a Friends Extra, a wide range of offers, discounts and services.

Go to the u3a website, and
sign up via the "Get Involved" tab:



Our Knit & Natter group, which opened early in 2023, has been very successful. We have all made lots of new friends, had lots of tea, coffee and biscuits and lots of laughs!

We have all learnt new skills and shared our tips with everyone. We have recently made knitted and crochet squares which have been sewn together to make blankets which have gone to the hospice department at Princes Alexandra Hospital, Harlow.

These were done with the Dobbs Weir Crafty Cuppa group who also meet at the hall and knit and natter too!

Gill Fowke

On another crafty note, one of our members would be interested in starting a Needle Felting group. Needle felting is a creative craft that involves sculpting shapes and figures using wool and special felting needles.

If you are interested please contact Glynis Evans (Chair)


It’s always good to chat with you when stopping to read our notice boards in the foyer of the Spotlight at our main monthly meetings.  The boards are updated each month so it’s always worth having a read to keep abreast of dates and events.  We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.



Hello again!

I will start this month by saying a big “Thank You” to all those members who helped with running our publicity stall at the Love Hoddesdon Festival day on Sunday 23rd June. We will also be having a stall at the summer fair on Saturday 13th July at St Augustine’s Church, Broxbourne.

I find it hard to believe it’s July already which means it is time once more for our special annual “Garden Party” meeting on Monday 8th July. We will be welcoming back Mark Smith from the BBC as our guest speaker and he will be telling us all about “A Day on the Antiques Roadshow”.
We will be providing refreshments of tea/coffee or a soft drink and cake, which will be will be available after Mark Smith’s talk. As you arrive at the Spotlight, make sure you get your ticket to exchange for your drink at the bar. You can use your drinks ticket either before or after the main meeting.
For those of you who like to have lunch ahead of our main monthly meeting, pizza and sandwiches will be available to buy.

When you arrive at the Spotlight you will find a number of changes which we are trialling – we hope they will be changes for the better and would welcome feedback from our members.

The first change you will notice is that our Meet and Greet team will be registering members. As you go into the Spotlight foyer you need to go to the correct place to show your card and sign in – there will be 3 stations: one for people with surnames starting A – E, one for F – M and one for N – Z. We hope this will not cause too much in the way of delays, but of course there may be the odd hiccup the first time we are trying this so please be patient.

The second change you will notice is that our group tables will no longer be in the café/bar area but behind the seating in the auditorium. Many of our members have found it very frustrating that there were no tables left for them to sit at for refreshments, but hopefully this will improve the situation, And please do visit the group tables in their new location.

Our Interest Afternoon this month is on Friday 12th July at the Barclay Hall, Hoddesdon. Textile artist Alison White will be telling us all about the “Sheepythings” she makes from British wool. As usual the afternoon will start at 2pm with drinks and cakes and a chance for a chat, ahead of the talk.

I hope to see as many of you as possible at our Garden Party meeting on July 8th at the Spotlight and/or at our Interest Afternoon at the Barclay Hall on July 12th.June.

Glynis Evans

Learn                 Laugh                 Live


Monday 12th August,  Main Meeting -  Speaker - Alison Green - "From Field to Floribunda" -  The transformation of Theobald's Farm Garden.

Monday 9th September,  Main Meeting -  Speaker - Tony Tutton - “That'll Be The Day”.  The life, music and influence of Buddy Holly. Tony Tutton is a guitarist, drummer and Lead singer.

Friday 27th September 2024, Interest Afternoon (Barclay Hall - 2pm Tickets £3 -  Speakers  - Members Mary & Laurence Cole - "New Zealand".   Mary and Laurence speak about their recent memorable visit "down under".

Friday 10th October 2024, Interest Afternoon (Barclay Hall - 2pm Tickets £3 -  Speaker  - David Pracey - "Why my Grandfather went to prison".   

Monday 14th October,  Main Meeting -  Speakers - Christine and Peter Padwick - “All Things Banned and Censored” The talk is a light-hearted survey of banning and censorship over the past 100 years or so, with pictures,songs and anecdotes.

Monday 4th November 2024 , Fun Quiz (Parish Centre, St Augustines Church, Broxbourne)  -  See entry further up this page.

Monday 11th November,  Main Meeting -  Speaker -  Colin Oakes “A Hertfordshire Christmas”The talk looks at how the people of Hertfordshire celebrated Christmas over the ages.It includes Charles Dickens and Anthony Trollope’s time in the season here, and local visits to see Father Christmas.

Monday 9th December,  Main Meeting -  Christmas Social in the Spotlight Bar. No speaker.



One of our members, John Astin, produced another excellent video in December 2019 showing what happens at Lea Valley u3a. Sadly John passed away in March 2021.
The video includes comments from a few members who explain what joining us has meant to them, and an insight into what some of our groups get up to.

It is available to watch on YouTube.To view, please click on the link below:



Playreading Group

Come along to our group on the first and third Thurdays monthly at 2pm to enjoy the world of theatre. Click on the poster for more information:-



We also have our own Facebook page which can be found by clicking on this link:-



East of England Region of U3As

The East of England region comprises the six counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire. The website can be viewed via the following link:-


 "Regional News Bulletins" are published each month  containing details of this month’s events and presentations both regionally and nationally. The latest edition can be viewed by going to their website. then click on the "Publications" link at the top of the Home page. 


Group Sharing Agreement

This arrangement includes 7 local u3as, namely Broxbourne, Buntingford, CheshuntHertford, Waltham Abbey, Ware, and Lea Valley.

The idea behind this is that where any of the other 6 
u3as have groups that are keen to increase their numbers, they can open the group to members of LVU3A, and you will be allowed to attend those groups without having to join the other u3a. Conversely, where we have groups that are struggling with low numbers, they can participate and open themselves up to members of the other 6 u3as.

It is very important to note is that members of our 
u3a can’t just see a group in another u3a newsletter and go along and join it. Only those groups which are struggling to be viable and which have agreed to open up to members from other participating u3as can be approached. 

1) Broxbourne
Please click on the link to go to the relevant page on Broxbourne 
u3a's Group Sharing page on their website:


2) Buntingford
Please click on the link to go to the relevant page on Buntingford u3a's Group Sharing page on their website:

Please note this link is currently in draft form awaiting updating, and does NOT show the Buntingford groups that are in this scheme:


3) Cheshunt
Please click on the link to go to the relevant page on Cheshunt u3a's Group Sharing page on their website:


4) Hertford & District
Please click on the link to go to the relevant page on Hertford & District u3a's Group Sharing page on their website:


5) Waltham Abbey
Please click on the link to go to the relevant page on Waltham Abbey u3a's Group Sharing page on their website:


6) Ware
Please click on the link to go to the relevant page on Ware u3a's Group Sharing page on their website:


The groups at Lea Valley U3A which have agreed to open up their groups to the other u3a's in this arrangement (as at March 2022) can be found by opening this link:

LVu3a Group Sharing

If you have a query about the scheme, please contact me.

Glynis Evans, Chair

Lea Valley u3a's Constitution

Under the recommendation of the Third Age Trust, many u3as amended their constitutions to facilitate new methods of voting and holding AGM's and SGM's (Special General Meetings) etc both during and after the pandemic, to ensure that they could operated legally without breaking any of their own 'rules'. Lea Valley u3a's constitution was updated in August 2021. It can be viewed by clicking on the link below:-


Lea Valley u3a's Privacy Policy

Lea Valley u3a treats members' privacy rights seriously.  The policy document in the link below sets out how we will deal with your ‘personal information’, that is information that could identify, or is related to the identity of, any Lea Valley u3a individual member.


Disputes (Complaints, Discipline and Grievances)

The u3a Central Office (ot Third Age Trust) provides guidance to branches should disputes occur. There are three documents published which give procedural guidance covering ‘Complaints’, ‘Disciplinary’, and ‘Grievance’. These were reviewed and updated in 2022 to align with u3as latest guidance.

You can view these by clicking on the links below:-

Complaints Procedure

Disciplinary Procedure

Grievance Procedure


Can you spare an hour or two a week to listen to children read in a local primary school? Schoolreaders is looking for more volunteers in Hertfordshire to carry out this important role. Reading time for many children at home and at school is often insufficient and one in four children are now leaving primary school unable to read to the required standard.

Please visit the website www.schoolreaders.org to join or call 01234 924111 for further information, or click on this link:


Broxbourne Arts Forum ("BArts")

Lea Valley u3a is affiliated to BArts, and one of our members is present at a table in the bar area at all monthly meetings, with leaflets and information.

BArts offers activities and events which are not usually provided by the Borough of Broxbourne's Leisure and Entertainments programme.

It also represents the arts interests of individuals and member groups and negotiates with the Borough, so that the arts community may enjoy greater recognition and leisure facilities on a par with the provision for sports.

For more information either come to the table at our main meetings or visit the BArts website at:


On the website you will find current and previous editions of the "Broadsheet" which contains information on all forthcoming events.

Lea Valley Discussion Group

This local society, founded in 1976, meets on Monday evenings usually twice a month at the Methodist Church Hall, Middlefield Road, Hoddesdon.

For more information and contact details please click on the link below:

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